Addiction counseling, mental health counseling, psychological evaluation services in Wilmington NC


Types of Services

Certainly there is a need for mental health services for all ages, however our services focus primarily on adults with exception of ADHD assessments. Therefore our counseling services provided 18+ and psychological evaluations are provided for a 16+.


Outpatient individual counseling is provided either in office or through tele-health. Counseling and therapy is provided for Adults and Teens

Specialty area’s of interest:



Co-occurring disorders (sometimes referred to Dual disorders) of addiction and mental health


Diagnostic (see below Psychological Evaluations)

Substance use disorders (Addiction)

Psychological Evaluations

Precise provides full psychological evaluations for adults. These come from a wide range of needs including cognitive testing, diagnosis evaluations, ADHD evaluations, school accommodations and many others.

Psychological evaluations and testing can provide the answers you want and fill in the missing pieces. Likewise testing can support your struggles with real answers. Therefore allowing for more precise treatment strategies that target your unique strengths and weaknesses.

Testing often aids other medical providers and entities such as school, courts, government agencies and employers. Above all, having a clear diagnosis can aide these entities or providers with information they need to determine treatment planning or program eligibility.

Addiction Services

Addiction and dual diagnosis are part of our specialties, thus there is an expanded section to discuss this area.

  • Outpatient Counseling for Adults with substance use disorders.
  • Outpatient counseling for Adolescences with substance use disorders
  • Substance use evaluations and assessments to determine the presence or severity of a substance use disorder
  • Psychological testing and evaluations offered to target areas of treatment or aid with diagnosis
  • Co-occurring mental health and substance use disorder therapy
  • DWI assessments and individualized treatments
  • Behavioral addiction counseling, including Gambling counseling

Clinical Supervision

Jeremy Mullis, LPA, LCAS, CSI can provide clinical supervision for individuals seeking clinical licensure from NCASPPB.